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(+92) 51 2155713



Allergen Detection

Hygeina's Pro-Clean Allergen Detection is a revolutionary new technology that allows individuals and businesses to quickly and accurately detect the presence of allergens in their environment. Whether you're concerned about food allergies at a restaurant or the presence of mold in your home, Pro-Clean Allergen Detection can provide the answers you need.



  • Quick and accurate results: Pro-Clean Allergen Detection uses state-of-the-art sensors and algorithms to quickly and accurately identify the presence of allergens in a given environment.
  • Easy to use: Simply turn on the device and let it do the work for you. There’s no need for specialized training or complicated equipment.
  • Portable and lightweight: Pro-Clean Allergen Detection is small and lightweight, making it easy to take with you wherever you go.
Allergen Detection Pro-Clean

Industry Usage of Pro-Clean

Food and Beverage Industry: Pro-Clean Allergen Detection can be used to quickly and accurately identify allergens in food products, ensuring that customers with allergies are protected. Health Care industry: Pro-Clean Allergen Detection can be used to identify allergens in hospitals, clinics, and other health care settings, helping to prevent allergic reactions and protect patients. Manufacturing Industry: Pro-Clean Allergen Detection can be used to identify allergens in manufacturing environments, ensuring that products are safe and free from contaminants. Overall, Pro-Clean Allergen Detection is a valuable tool for anyone looking to identify allergens in their environment. Whether you’re a business owner, a health care provider, or simply someone looking to protect themselves and their loved ones, Pro-Clean Allergen Detection can provide the answers you need.

Key Benefits

A quick and easy-to-use way to test cleanliness of surfaces. Change of color verification without the need of additional instruments or interpretation.

Results in 10 Minutes

All-in-one Test Device

Easy to Interpret

100% Recyclable

Reliable and Accurate Changeover Cleaning Verification

Why test for protein residue? Protein is more difficult to remove from surfaces than glucose or other residues, so it’s a good indicator of surface contamination. If you need to verify protein removal quickly, PRO-Clean® is reliable and accurate.


Add This Device to Screen It All

The results couldn’t be easier to read. If protein is present in a sample, the reagent in the device will turn purple for immediate verification that is simple for any user to understand without interpretation or instrumentation. To learn more, watch the video above.

How To Use Pro-Clean

Instructional Video

User Manual