



(+92) 51 2155713


(+92) 51 2155713


GlutenTox® Sticks

GlutenTox Sticks Plus is a speedy gluten-detection package for food, drinks, and operating surfaces. GlutenTox Sticks include the G12 anti-gliadin antibody that mainly acknowledges the maximum immunogenic fraction of gluten that triggers a response in people with celiac disease.


Key Benefits

  • Detects gluten from wheat, barley, rye, and oat
  • Sensitivity: 5, 10, 20, 40 ppm of gluten
  • Available in packs of 5 or 25 tests
  • Shelf life: 12 Months
  • Matrices validated according to AOAC Performance Tested Methods (SM) (PTM) protocols:
  • Food matrices: rice, flour, bread, cookies, rolled oat, pate, and yoghurt.
  • Environmental surfaces: stainless steel, rubber, plastic, food grade painted wood, and sealed ceramic
GlutenTox Sticks

Usage of SureTrend Cloud

Key Benefits

GlutenTox® Sticks Plus is a Practical Tool for the Control of Gluten Content in Your Food Products

  • Detection restriction of three ppm (<Twenty ppm is considered as free of gluten)
  • Examination of gluten in all kind of food Materials.
  • It is fixed to the poisonous fraction of gluten from barley, rye, wheat and a few uncommon types of oats
  • No other reactivity with rice, corn, or soy

Industrial Applications

  • Implementation and success of HACCP, ISO 22000, BRC, and IFS compliance
  • Semi-quantification of gluten in meals
  • Gluten-unfastened meals fine control
  • Trace gluten infection in meals and operating surfaces
  • Monitoring of gluten detoxification

Hygiena Cube

If you’re looking for qualitative, quantitative and semi-quantitative data collection for your gluten testing, you should be using Hygiena Cube. The compact reader stores up to 100 test results, quantifying 1-40 ppm of gluten and is validated for major food matrices. Learn more here.

Quick and Reliable

Designed specifically for food and beverage analysis labs, GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for Reader is a rapid gluten detection kit for foods and drinks. GlutenTox Sticks Plus for Reader contains the G12 anti-gliadin antibody that specifically recognizes the 33-mer peptide, the gluten fraction that triggers celiac disease. Tests are quantified using Hygiena Cube.


  • Detection limit 1ppm (<20 ppm is considered “gluten free”)
  • Only one dilution required to quantify
  • Quantifies 1-40 ppm of gluten using Hygiena Cube
  • Validated for major food matrices
  • Flexible protocols (i.e. polyphenols, hydrolyzed samples, etc.)
  • No cross-reactivities
Allergen Detection GlutenTox